We Can Help: KeithFlannigan@ATABonline.org
As I am sure that you know you have a bigger chance of a domestic situation or a mentally ill fan or employee committing a shooting than a terrorist attack.
The ATAB program covers all of these events and there are great programs that you can send to your staff to assist them in recognizing a potential problem before it turns into a shooting.
The attached PowerPoint is just one of many starting with Psychological motivation of violent offenders, prevention, survival, fighting back and first aid.
While we do have programs that comply with the DHS Run, Hide and Fight program that you can use or teach being a security professional we realize the long odds of winning a gunfight with a coffee pot or stapler.
This program addresses what to do if you are armed and an incident happens. How to tactically address the situation.
No Business can use the "I did not think that it would happen here" defense.
In addition, OSHA laws require companies to maintain a safe workplace "Free from recognized hazards".
One out of every 6 workplace deaths are homicides with over 1,000 people killed each year as well as over 2 Million Americans being victims of Work Place Violence each year.
Those statistics combined with the more recent ever- increasing Active Killer terror incidents it is impossible for any business to be able to say "We could not foresee an incident happening here".
Active Shooter Incident Response
Developing a TRUE Active Shooter program is not just "Run, Hide and Fight".
A truly functional program must first of all be a "Security Mindset" within your organization.
It is an encompassing program provided to not only react to an Active Killer in your facility but a program designed to detect, deter as well as react.
If you are skilled in these areas the ATAB Active Shooter program will provide you with excellent state of the art training materials to assist you in developing a comprehensive program for your facility.
If you do not feel comfortable with developing your companies Active Killer / Intruder program ATAB can provide you with excellent experienced and proven providers of quality Active Killer program directors that can assist you and your company in developing a policy as well as a program designed to meet your companies requirements and needs.
If you would like to purchase the ATAB Active Shooter Program the cost is 795
If you would like to have a professional Instructor come to your facility establish a comprehensive Active Shooter/Workplace Violence program.
ATAB offers customized training for your facility as well as Webinars that are designed to meet the various government training requirements such as CMS 3871
You can contact the ATAB certification director for more information. Contact Keith Flannigan at KeithFlannigan@atabonline.org
You may see additional information on additional certifications and advanced training at www.ATABonline.org
Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or request for services.
Email us at KeithFlannigan@ATABonline.org or go to our main website at www.ATABonline.info
ATAB Provides PowerPoint Training Programs, Weninars and Onsite Customized Training
Copyright © 2019 ATAB Active Shooter Solutions - All Rights Reserved.